
Information obtained from family records and experiences remembered and told by members of the families of James Mills Paxton.

Compiled and written by granddaughters of Adelaide Tippett Paxton.

Helen Johnson Nielson

Itha LeFevre Hollerman Nelson





BORN: November 22, 1853

PLACE: Weston Common Southampton, Hants Co. England

MARRIED: January 28, 1877. St. George Temple, St. George Utah

HUSBAND: James Mills Paxton (Wife #2)

DIED: September 14, 1930. Kanosh, Millard Co. Utah

BURIAL: September 15, 1930. Kanosh Cemetery

BLESSED BY: Elder Shephard - January 1854, England

BAPTIZED BY: Elder Wm Pewsey - September 4, 1861, England

CONFIRMED BY: Elder Painter - September 1861, England

PATRIARCHAL BLESSING BY: Wm McBride - August 12, 1880

SPECIAL BLESSING BY: E.H. Blackburn - August 19, 1890

EMIGRATED FROM ENGLAND: September 15, 1875

MARRIED BY: Brigham Young Jr. - January 28, 1877

ENDOWED BY: E. Snow, St. George Temple - January 27, 1877


Albert Edward 1/29/1878 8/5/1878

Mary Ann 5/24/1879 8/29/1957

Adelaide 12/29/1880 6/18/1895

Bessie Suseannah 8/12/1881 6/19/1954

Walter Isaac 12/22/1883

Edith 6/17/1886 2/11/1962

Albert Beaves - Adelaide raised after her mother brought him from England. Pauline, his mother, disappeared in England and was never found.

FATHER: Edward Henry Turpin Tippett

BORN: March 10, 1810

PLACE: Dartmouth, Devonshire Co. England

MARRIED: 1840 to Mary Ann Richards, Eng. (Wife #2)

DIED: November 3, 1892, Swanage, Dorset, England

BURIED: November 1892, England

ENDOWED: November 1895, Salt Lake Temple to wife +1 and 2

SEALED: November 20, 1895, Salt Lake Temple to wife #1 and 2

Wife #1: Elizabeth Grant, Died 1837, Had five children, Eng.

MOTHER: Mary Ann Richards Tippett (wife #2)

BORN: August 14, 1820

PLACE: Sandown Hythe, Isle of Wight, Hants Co. England

MARRIED: 1840 to Edward Henry Turpin Tippett

DIED: October 30, 1895, Salt Lake City, Utah

BURIED: October 1895, Salt Lake City Cemetery (McMurin plot)

ENDOWED: 1895 Salt Lake Temple

BAPTIZED: 1862 in So. Hampton river by Wm. Pewsey, Eng.


A blessing given by Wm. McBride upon the head of Adelaide Paxton, daughter of Edward Henry and Mary Ann Richards, born at Weston Common, Hants, England, November 22, 1852.

Sister Adelaide

In the name of the Lord Jesus I place my hands upon they head. I seal upon thee a patriarchal blessing including all thy former blessings and say unto thee, be thou faithful for thou art one of the daughters of Zion and art numbered amongst the daughters of Joseph through the loins of Manasseh and an heir by promise and by lineage to all the blessings that pertain to the daughters of Jacob for thou wast called, chosen and set apart to bring about their salvation and redemption and redeem Zion and establish the Kingdom of God upon the earth and it is thy privilege and thy duty to administer ordinances unto them in the temples and for thy portion of thy father's house and to lead them into the new and everlasting covenant that their inheritance may be made secure unto them and in so doing thou shalt procure unto thyself thine inheritance in connection with thy companion and thou shalt receive a crown of eternal lives with all that the gospel guarantees unto thee. I seal these words upon thee in the name of Jesus


Kanosh Millard Co.

August 12, 1880

B. Goddard


Patriarchal Blessing

Adelaide Paxton

Recorded in Book D Page 306

Kanosh, Millard Co. Utah, April 19, 1890.

A Patriarchal Blessing by E.H. Blackburn, Patriarch.

Upon the head of Adelaide T. Paxton, born November 22, 2853, Westen Common, England.

Adelaide in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I lay my hands upon thy head and seal upon thee thy Patriarchal Blessing, which through the endurance of faith will greatly aid thee that thou mayest stand the test and not faint by the way. Thy lineage is of the house of Jacob and a descendant of Ephraim thou art a chosen vessel of the almighty to come forth in this the last dispensation to aid in the establishing of the new and everlasting covenant, for thy humility and faith the Lord thy God loveth thee and will erelong exalt thee on high for thy sacrifice and patience the Lord will reward thee many fold. Thou shalt be blessed of thy body and blessed in thy spirit to stand forth as a minister of righteousness in the defense of the truth. The time will come when thy tongue shall be loosed thy understanding shall be quickened thousands shall hear thy voice with joy and gladness and thou shalt be blessed with great wisdom and hidden treasure shall be made known unto thee by the power of the spirit, thy guarding angel will not forsake its precious charge for the covenants thou hast made the angles watch over thee and many rejoiced when thou were born foreseeing that thou would embrace the new and everlasting covenant. Thou shalt have a numerous posterity and of the increase there will be no end. The good spirit will lead thee to dream dreams and to see the visions to inspire thee with hope that thou mayest stand blessed to overcome all earthly trouble to have the society of thy husband and friends for the Lord will reward thee more than a thousand fold for all sorrows and tribulations that thou hast post through remembering always that thy trials are for thy good and exaltation in the celestial world blessed to finish thy earthly work in the house of the Lord blessed to have thousands of thy progenitors rise and call thee their savior, seek for it the Lord will give it unto thee the gift of discernment that thou mayest discern between the righteous and the wicked, blessed with the good things of the world in abundance thy house shall be of order and peace and the glory of the Lord shall be these thou shall preside in the midst there off with dignity and honor therefore be humble and faithful and no good things shall be withheld from thee. Blessed to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection to inherit the crown of eternal life in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ Amen

Adelaide T. Paxton Patriarchal Blessing - Loa Piute Co.

E.H. Blackburn Patriarch No. 154 Vol. 1st E. Russell Records.


On the 22nd of November 1853, in a humble cottage in a country place at Weston Common, Hants County, England, in St. Mary's Parish, near where the Nitley Hospital was erected, twins, a boy and a girl, were born to Mary and Edward Henry Turpin Tippett. The family group anxiously awaiting a glimpse of the new arrivals, were as alike as steps. Ann Maria 12, Joseph 10, Joannah 8, Walter 6, Isaac E. Beal 4, and Jane 2, all beautifully well behaved and fine mannered children. Four more children were to be added to the family besides the twins, Annetta, Mary Ann, Pauline, and Edward Henry, making a total of eleven.

At the time and birth of the twins, their father was at sea, and docked in the port of Adelaide, Australia. Thus, the parents decided to name the girl Adelaide, and the boy Albert, after Prince Albert of England.

Adelaide's father and brother's were sea-faring men. Her father was a shipwright by trade. He had served his time in the Government employ in one of the cutters under Captain Best. (A small armed vessel in the Coast Guard or ship of war.) He could speak almost every language and sailed the East India seas, Pacific Islands and European waters. When Queen Victoria christened the English Channel, he sailed the next ship following that of the Queen through the channel. His father, Edward Henry Tippett, was drowned at sea when E he was a young boy.

The voyages he took sometimes lasted months and his family eagerly awaited his home-comings. Be always brought jars of preserved ginger, spices, and lovely gifts for all. No sooner could he hang his coat and cap on the hook, until the children were climbing on him, anxious to hear what he had to say. With one on each knee, arms around his neck, and others seated on the floor at his feet, they listened, spellbound, while he told of his adventures on the rough sea and people in foreign places.

He never joined the Mormon Church, but permitted the missionaries in his home even though he did not like them to come. He was afraid they would persuade his wife and family to go to Utah and become prisoners behind the great wall. Two of his children and his wife did go to America. Albert went to San Francisco.

When too old for the sea, he was employed as a night watchman of the docks. Early one morning after making the usual round, he came home to his daughter's place, hung his scarf, coat and cap in its special place, ate breakfast, laid down on his bed and never awakened.


An island off the south coast of England in the county of Hants. It borders on the English Channel. It is 23 miles in length, 13 miles broad; area 93,341 acres. Sandown, where the Richards families resided is a fashionable health resort and very Picturesque, Near Cowes is Osborn House, a favorite residence of Queen Victoria and other Royalty, and a favorite recreation place. Carisbrooke Castle was where Charles I was imprisoned 13 months previous to his trial and execution.

When the French wars were on, The Richards family inhabited the Isle of Wight. The father of Joseph Richards and grandfather of Mary Ann Richards was taken prisoner by the French to France. He came home after the war. His brother was made Vice Admiral over the island when he and another officer planted the English flag on the Isle of Wight, after taking it from the French. They were granted a portion of the island and given the title "Lord of the Manor and owner of the soil" by the King.

The family were all Gentlemen and Ladies of title. They were originally from Wales, Monmouthshire.

Joseph Richards, Mary Ann's father, and his brother served in the Crimean War of 1856, the struggle between England, France and Turkey against Russia in behalf of Turkey; a terrible and disastrous war.

He was a coast guardsman in the Isle of Wight at Sandown, where the family lived. They were called Isle of Wight people. He died June 13, 1879, age 84. His wife was Ann Winters.

Mary Ann Richards Tippett, Mother of Adelaide was born August 4, 1820, Sandown, Hyth, Isle of Wight, England. She was one of the first converts of the country to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In 1802 she was baptized in the South Hampton River by Wm. Pewsey, and confirmed by Br. Painter. She was good to the missionaries and shared her home and food with them and was glad to have them in her home and discuss the gospel with her family.

Mary Ann worked at various jobs to help with the livelihood for her large family while her husband was at sea. She was a nurse and did nursing at the "Nitley" Hospital in England at that time. She did sewing and held a peddler's license for the year 1889. She was about 69 years old.

"High chalk cliffs, sandy bays, bird-haunted mudflats and windswept coast - the Isle of Wight, never remote but always apart, has drawn those who seek what Karl Marx called 'a little paradise'. It was a place of inspiration for Tennyson, of quiet retreat for Queen Victoria and of imprisonment for Charles I. Today's 'overners' from the mainland will find pretty villages, seaside resorts, manor houses, Victorian churches, lighthouses and even vineyards, all set in a varied landscape." (AA Ordnance Survey Leisure Guide)

I added this (Ryan Henrie)

Mary Ann was devout religious woman who believed the teachings of the missionaries, and kept the word of wisdom and paid an honest tithing. Every month she sent her tithing and money for the emigration fund to the Church headquarters in England. She sent money to Salt Lake with missionaries to buy shares in the "Zions Mercantile Institution."

She arrived in Utah October 30, 1893, bringing with her a grandson, Albert Beaves, the child of her daughter, Pauline, who disappeared in England and was never located. She had long looked forward to the day she could come to Zion and had mentioned this in many of her letters.

Mary Ann lived with her daughter, Adelaide, in Kanosh for a year, then went to Salt Lake where she could do Temple work. She was treated badly by some of the missionaries she had sheltered in England and at one time she was so disgusted with their actions, she said, "Adda, I wouldn't give your fathers little finger for all the mormons in Utah.'" Her dreams of Utah were not what she had expected.

Many times she went hungry in Salt Lake, too proud to let her circumstances be known. She wrote to Adelaide saying she wished the little store on B Street, where she lived (167 B) had apples and dried fruit like they had in Kanosh. She mentioned a Mrs. Kimball, who bought eggs for 15 a dozen. She prayed for a pair of "boots." The shoes she had pinched her swollen feet until she could hardly walk. Franklin Richards, her cousin, gave her some money to buy shoes. She was grateful and thanked him, telling him Heavenly Father had answered her prayers. She was grateful to the Relief Society for help they gave her.

Mary Ann's letters to her children were full of love for them, the gospel and Heavenly Father. She was thankful for the smallest blessing and favor. Sometimes she signed her letters "Your loving mother and sister in the Gospel. xoxoxo M.A. Tippett.

In a letter she said "Little did I think in my youthful days, the work I should perform in the temple of our Lord for those expired 300 and 75 years. As one was born just 300 years before me and another 300 and 73 years before me. But thanks to our Heavenly Father I have been preserved to come forth and do this work for them. There is one thing I wish that has occurred to my mind, that is this, if all my children tell when and where they were born, as it is of great importance. I must write home and council them to keep a record of their families."

She spent her 75th birthday with Mr. & Mrs. Harding. The hottest summer she ever experienced. August 9, 1895.

Adelaide's twin brother emigrated to San Francisco. He had his own fishing and pleasure Yachts. He owned three at one time. A letter tells of a trip to Hong Kong, China. He was in a typhoon. One man was thrown overboard, several injured and the boat was almost destroyed. Waves were 40 and 50 feet high. He never returned to England and never went to Utah. Below is an advertisement he had printed.



Is prepared to take


Guests can rely on careful management



Address P.O. Box 269 or Alice Street Bridge, Oakland, California.

Albert Tippett died and was buried in that area as far as we know. It is not known if he married.

Isaac Tippett helped to build the Titanic ship and was going to sail but changed his mind. He had a dream. Isaac's dream. March 4, 1858. Weston Common, England.

Dear Father:

I dreamed mother wrote a letter to the Lord and the contents of it was this. "Oh Lord, wilt thou change my husband's heart," and something about we children becoming the children of God. Mother prayed to God and said, "Oh Lord, how shall I send this letter," and the Lord sent a raven. I saw mother put the letter into the beak of the raven, and I heard the Lord answer with a loud voice, "I will." I also dreamed I saw the heavens open and a ladder let down to earth and a great multitude of people descending. I asked who the second person was who the leader was, and he said, "Jesus." I said to him, "Oh - Lord, change my heart," and he answered with a gentle voice, "I will."

Dear Father, mother sincerely hopes you will read this letter with a prayerful determination to obey the Gospel of Jesus Christ and become our ruler in righteousness that we all may become the children of God. So, no more at present.

From your affectionate son,


"My work in the temple is a great and glorious work l said Mary Ann. Our happiness consists of doing the will of the Lord and keeping his commandments. It brings peace of soul, even in our deepest trials and afflictions."

She was working in the tithing office in Salt Lake and living in the home of Franklin Richards when she died of Typhoid fever, October 30, 1895, two years to the day of her arrival in Salt Lake City, Utah. She was buried in the Salt Lake City cemetery, in the McMurrin plot.

* * * * * * * *

The following was copied from one of the school Libraries books, New York. Grosset and Dunlap Publishers.

PROVO, UTAH March 10, 1929




10 Sep., A.D. 1816

R. I. P.

This is taken from the book "The Land that Time Forgot," By Edgar Rice Burroughs.

Tippet was a member of the party that landed on the Island of CAPRONA in a submarine which they had captured from the Germans. He was killed while on the Island.

Note; R. I. P. Requiescat -latin may he or she Rest in Peace

Note by Adelaide: Caprona was once called Fort Dinosaur

After her mother died, Adelaide spent two months in Salt Lake City finishing Genealogy with Samual Richards that had not been completed. During the rest of her life, she did what she could on the Tippett line and family lines. She encouraged her family to do the same. Her later years she lived with her children. To keep occupied, she went about their homes doing little jobs such as dishes, ironing, mending, etc. Seldom interfering but doing so when wisdom and years of experience deemed it necessary, She hummed and sang softly as she went about the house and always wore a little front apron with a pocket for her handkerchief. She always wore a broach, and earrings in her pierced ears.

Adelaide never lost her beauty or dignity. Even when her hair turned silver gray, her skin was soft and fair with few wrinkles. Her brown eyes retained a kind, mature intelligence, and her memory was keen and sharp to the very last.

At a Black Hawk War celebration, Adelaide was chosen the most beautiful lady and danced with the oldest veteran. She was in her 70's and he was over 80. Dancing was a pleasure she knew very little about. February 14, 1927 she attended an old folks party with her daughter in Provo, Utah, in the Manavue Ward, and gave a reading. She was 74 years old, and chosen the most beautiful lady and was given a silver sugar spoon and butter Knife as a gift. That same year she attended the old folks party in the Provo 4th Ward. She sang and gave a reading and was admired by those in attendance. Although proud she was never boastful. She was respected by all who knew her.

"How well I remember having to miss an Easter party because of illness. I was crying and feeling sorry for myself," related a granddaughter. "Dear little grandmother brought me a tiny piece of a jelly-roll and whispered, 'Here child, I snitched this for you. Now don't let your ma know, she'll skin me alive.' How special she made me feel."

Not long before she died, Helen, her granddaughter, said she tried on a new hat just purchased by her daughter Bessie and said, "Lar, child, I look better in the 'at than does your ma." She loved pretty things. A son-in-law never forgot when she cautioned him when he was attempting to ride a frisky horse. "'arry mind the 'osses," she said, in her English brogue, to Harry.

Adelaide had sugar diabetes in the later years of her life. When her condition became worse she was taken to a small clinic and hospital in Provo, where she lay in a small room alone for treatment. One day when her granddaughter visited her, as she entered the room she heard Adelaide talking, but there was no one there. "I have visitors," said Adelaide, and she named three persons of whom Itha could not later remember. "Come back another time, and close the door when you go out," said Adelaide.

There was a homecoming in Kanosh. Adelaide expressed a desire to go home to it. Bessie, her daughter consulted the doctor. Since her days on earth were short he gave his consent. Bessie and her husband made a nice soft bed in their car, laid her in it, and took her to Kanosh. When she arrived all the towns people came to see her. As she lay in bed, she asked them to sing songs she used to sing and she tried in her weakened condition to sing with them.

Her daughter Edith, who Adelaide was living with made this report, "Just before Ma died, she was visited by her husband and friends on the other side. She talked to them and called them by name. Choir members whom she had sang with, came to her with music-and singing. Edith was privilege to hear the singing. Suddenly her mother sat up in bed and cried, ' Their leaving, their leaving' Where are my wings, I want to go with them." Edith knew what she meant and made her comfortable, by laying her temple clothing over her. Adelaide joined her loved ones with a smile on her face.

September 14, 1930, Adelaide Tippett Paxton passed through the veil at the home of her daughter Edith LaFevre. She was buried September 15, 1930 in Kanosh City Cemetery beside her husband and children.

Commentary to Adelaide Tippett Paxton who died September 14, 1930 at Kanosh, Millard County, Utah

'Twas the fourteenth of September
At the breaking of the dawn,
The leaves were red and amber,
'Twas a beautiful sabbath morn.
Our dear sweet mother left us to
Join the heavenly throng.

When a beautiful maiden
She left her native land,
And made her way to Zion
With one of God's chosen bands.

Her faith never faltered
Though her cup was filled to the brim,
She relied on the great Jehovah
And placed her trust in Him.
She filled the part of a mother,
And taught her children the way
To gain life eternal,
If they but listen and obey.
Her friends were staunch and numerous
As was proven by display
Of countless gorgeous flowers
They placed upon her grave.

Written by her daughter


Bessie Paxton Hohnson

Adelaide was a serious, beautiful girl; fair complected with intelligent dark brown eyes. She was petite, well-mannered, and dignified; had a beautiful voice and loved to sing and recite poetry.

When five years old, she understood and could read much of the Bible, having learned verses by chanting and singing them when going to the Church of England. When she was eight years old, she went to live with two wealthy maiden aunts and received her education at the District School in the Parish of St. James on Sholing Common. She left home when thirteen years old to be a nurse girl in the town of Southampton. Six months after, she moved with her parents to a small borough called Warham. In 1870, she went to Pool, a shipping post, about 18 miles from Wareham. She worked as a domestic and in a white cap and apron, served tea and crumpets to guests, sometimes royalty. It was her job to keep the front door knocker shining bright. She also worked as a nurse and a corset making apprentice and saved her money to come to America. For two years she taught Sunday School in the Unitarian Church at Pool.

Adelaide was baptized September 4, 1861 or 62. It's possible she was baptized the same time her mother was. She studied the Mormon Doctrine and prayed for a testimony, which she received and was convinced the L.D.S.C. was truly the right church.

Her father and brothers were opposed to her coming to America, even going to the emigration authorities to stop her. But she was twenty-one years of age and in love with a young Mormon missionary who she planned to marry.

It was a sad parting. A farewell message from the maiden aunts was, "We don't wish you any harm, Addie, but we hope the boat sinks before you reach America." As she embraced her mother with much emotion and said, "good-bye," she slipped the following verses in her mother's hand.

To serve my maker I must go, I'll bid you all adieu,
When I upon the ocean glide, I ask a prayer of you
That I may keep the narrow way, the path that Jesus trod,
That I may ever watch and pray, and do the will of God.
Oh, can I give the parting hand and can I say farewell
To kindred and my native land, the oceans I love so well?

To cross the ocean dark and drear, and from my friends to part
To bid adieu to all I love, it almost breaks my heart.
My nature's weak and seems to say, "Oh do not go abroad,"
But the free spirit cries, "I will, I'll do the will of God."
Oh must, Oh must I say the word that tears me from you all,
Oh yes, my Heavenly Father calls, I will obey the call.

I'll ask the Lord to give me strength to bide the trial O'er
And I will often think of all when on a foreign shore.
And I will often ask the Lord to lead you all aright,
To help you overcome all things and fill your hearts with light.
Then yes, I'll give the parting hand, I can no longer stay
I'll only linger to embrace. Farewell! I must go away.

Adelaide Tippett.

Adelaide Tippett sailed from England September 15, 1875, on the ship S. S. Wyoming with 300 other passengers and saints. The ship landed in a New York Harbor September 26, 1875. (11 days on the ocean)

Adelaide did not cross the plains in a covered wagon or on foot. She came to Utah by train and stage coach, arriving in Utah covered with dust and smoke. Her trunks were filled with lovely clothes befitting a bride. Silks and laces, and a bonnet to match for every occasion. A beautiful brocaded, black plush cape trimmed in beads and braid, dainty white aprons and bonnets to match, petticoats and underclothing, and slippers and shoes for her small dainty feet, earrings for her pierced ears and broaches for her dresses. It was quite a contrast to the hand woven and made-over clothes of most of the pioneer women of that time. Adelaide was to know and go through bitter experiences after coming to Utah.

She first went to Fillmore, then to Corn Creek, which was later to be called Kanosh, where her missionary lived - with two wives Shocked and hurt, she soon changed her mind about marrying him. Said she, "I wouldn't marry that buzzard if he were the last man on earth."

She worked for Mrs. Armond, (Grandmother George) and helped cook for the stage coach passengers. One of the guests, they later learned, was an escapee, Carl Young. While here, she learned to make candy from the syrup of beets and carrots. They boiled these down to a thick syrup, which they could pull and make stick candy. Also, they made honey and molasses candy. Sugar was unknown. One day they were notified that Johnston's army was coming. Because Adelaide was young and pretty, they made her stay out of sight. The soldiers left without harming anyone. She also took care of children and walked from one end of town to the other at night, passing a melon patch on the way. One dark night, the owner, with a shot gun in hand, thinking she was a thief who had been stealing his melons shouted, "Do you want some salt shot in your backsides?"

She lived for a time with the B.J. Watts family. He owned a store, -- and she worked in the store. While here, she became acquainted with James Mills Paxton, who came quite often to play checkers with "Baldy" Watts With her English culture, fine clothing, beautiful alto voice and good looks, it is no wonder James fell in love with her. So at twenty-four ^ years of age and with few eligible men around, Adelaide decided to marry him. James was thirty-four years old and had a wife and two children.

January 25, 1877, James M. Paxton writes:

"I had the pleasure of going through the St. George Temple where my wife, Adelaide Tippett Paxton, was sealed to me. Her sister, Elizabeth Matilda Tippett (deceased) was also baptized for and sealed. Ordinance attended to the following day. (referred to on page 3) Polygamy being the custom, Adelaide became the second wife of James Mills Paxton, married by Brigham Young Jr. James and Adelaide traveled by team over rough mountain roads from Kanosh to St. George and back, Some three hundred and fifty miles in cold January winter weather. They took Robert, the four-year-old son of James, along as chaperone and witness.

James built Adelaide a two-room adobe home, adding a kitchen and porch years later. Here she lived an honest and upright life, bearing six children and knowing what it meant to want and make sacrifices. She endured many hardships and heart-aches, yet she seldom complained. She put herself in the hands of the Lord, always trusting in him and she taught her children to do the same. Times when she would be sad and homesick for England, she would hum or sing.

Because of her education, she was of much help to her husband, who was self-educated man, a poet, writer and musician. She copied and rewrote much of his writings as well as music. Adelaide also was gifted in these things. They spent many happy hours around the organ. These were the happy times; singing in her husband's choir, participation in church activities and raising her family.

She administered to the sick and occasionally helping the other family. Sometimes on evenings when her husband came home with his singers, tired and hungry from a singing engagement, Adelaide prepared food for them. Bessie, her daughter, related how, as a child, she would stand in the doorway and watch the men stuff the large napkins into their stiff fronted shirts, and brush their mustache and beards away from their mouth to keep from getting food on the hair. Though lacking in many necessities, Adelaide clung to English customs she had been accustomed to.

The death of their first child, Albert, saddened their hearts. Following is a song composed by James Mills Paxton, "on the death of our first baby, Albert Edward, who died of cholera infantum, August 7, 1876. Age two." Also, a poem, "Measuring the Baby," with Adelaide's signature.

We measured the riotous baby
By the side of the cottage wall,
A lilly grew at the threshold
And the boy was just as tall.
A boy all tiger lilly
With spots of purple and gold
And a heart like a jeweled cup
The fragrant dew to hold.
Without, the Lew birds high up in the old roff trees
And too and frow at the window the red rose rocked her bees
And we thought with a thrill of laughter
That yet had a touch of pain

(Continued on next page)


Except for the long summers from early spring to snow fall when she lived in her log cabin at Corn Creek Canyon, Adelaide lived most of her life in the two room adobe house her husband built for her when they were first married. The only improvement was the added lumber kitchen and porch. The kitchen served as a dining room with a much needed extra bed for sleeping. It was equipped with cupboard for dishes, cooking utensils and food, a wood burning cookstove, woodbox, chairs and table. Near the > door that led to the porch was the wooden bench that held the wash basin, soap dish and a bucket with a dipper for drinking water. Pegs on the back of the door held a towel and out - of - door wraps. One rag rug in front of the stove and on the porch helped to keep the wooden floors clean. Unless the weather was very bad, Adelaide did the washing on the porch. She saved the lye soap water to scrub the wooden floors.

The bedroom was the only room completely carpeted. Straw was stuffed under the carpet for warmth and padding. To keep down the dust when she swept, she sprinkled damp tea leaves on the carpet. Two beds and a dresser or chest of drawers was about all the small room could hold. In cold weather, hot rocks were wrapped in flannel to warm the beds. The living room or "front room" held a small rocking chair, just the right fit for Adelaide to rock her babies, a small round table which held a lamp, a couple of chairs, an organ with a mirror and stool, and a fire place. Two blue vases adorned the mantle and a rug in front of the fire place, and a long runner from the kitchen door to the outside door helped to keep the floor clean. All the floors were scrubbed so white with the lye soap water that the knots stuck up in the boards. Itha, a granddaughter, remembers having to scrub the kitchen and living room floors with Adelaide standing by with a teakettle of hot water to pour on the grease spots. Itha was not too happy at times, especially when she was in a hurry to go places with friends. Coal oil lamps and tallow "bitches" supplied lighting. (Rags dipped in mutton tallow).

A dirt cellar behind the house kept milk, butter and other food cool. Apples, potatoes, corn and etc. were stored in bins.

Two gates and a pole fence gave some security from roaming animals. On one gate hung an old teakettle full of rocks and dirt. It was tied to a rope to pull the gate shut. On the other gate was tied an old whet-stone that went up and down when the gate opened and shut

Near the corral was the "out-house" (two holes). In the corral was the old bull. He loved the little sweet pears on a tree in the front yard that James had grafted from another fruit. Every chance he got, the bull would break out of the corral, and on his way would tip over the "out house," which he seemed to dislike. On one occasion, Adelaide was trapped inside.

Shoes were at a premium and when the children started to grow up they had no shoes. Adelaide cut up her beautiful plush cape and made slippers for her children. One day an old man came to town who had worked in a tannery in the old country. Noticing the children had no shoes, he told her if she could get a hide, he would make them shoes. Adelaide wasted no time reporting the good news to her husband. He said, "We will kill the old bull." They not only had shoes for everyone, but stew meat as well.

Like other pioneer wives, she found plenty to do. Since her husband raised bees, there was honey to melt and strain from the cones and put in containers. Five gallon cans sold for $2.50. Many other things like drying fruit, etc. She worked in a store at times to help get necessary things. Once a salesman gave her a pretty salt and pepper shaker, which she displayed on the mantle until problems arose and James threw them on the floor and broke them to keep family unity.

She made pie crust from yeast dough by rolling the dough thin and spreading lard or butter over several layers, overlapping the dough, made the crust flaky. When she came to America, she hardly knew what butter was like. In England they used a white lard brought from India. Everyone enjoyed her fruit cobblers and boiled plum puddings.

She was kind to the Indians and always gave them food when they came begging. They loved to sit on her porch, especially an old blind Indian called "Huncup." He sat for hours chanting softly in his Indian Language, weaving back and forth.

"Aunt Adelaide," she was called by children and friends, was remembered for the candy pulls, popcorn and pans full of apples around the fireplace and music sessions around the organ.

After putting the children to bed, she stayed up late cleaning, mending or sewing, and doing other things that needed attention. Old Brother Watts had asmia very bad and walked the dark streets at night. He would say to her, "My, your light looked cheerful last night, Addie."

Some of her many activities were: President and teacher in the primary, President and Councilor in Relief Society, a member in her husband's choir for 30 years. She was well known for her readings and poetry and a member of the Genealogical Society of Utah.

During the frightening period of Polygamy persecutions, Adelaide suffered greatly. The U.S. Marshals, with help from informers, were determined to put every polygamist in jail. Under the new law, the husband must give up all his wives and families but one. Those who refused had to go to jail. Adelaide's husband refused to give up his two families, so not knowing what else to do, they tried to hide. The children were in constant fear that someone would grab them and carry them away or put their father and mother in jail.

When the U.S. Marshals were reported in town, the children were taken to "Grandma Levitts" and hid in a big clothes closet for days at a time, coming out only to eat or when it was safe. Adelaide and James took food and water and spent many nights and days in the corn fields, fearing to come out to their families. Families of Polygamists dug cellars or holes under their homes to hide in. The entrance to the cellar in Adelaide's home was in the bedroom under their bed. James would go down in it with enough food and water to last sometimes a week. Adelaide would pull the carpet over the hole, then go to the home of a friend. She would sneak home at night to see how everything was, not daring to have a light in case the "Feds" were lurking around.

Her daughter, Edith, relates a time when the "law men came hunting for Ma and Pa." The "Feds" had been seen in town, so everyone was warned. Her father was in the cellar, her mother had gone to "Sister Levitts" to hide, and Lusina Morry was staying with the children who were asleep on the floor. "I was awakened by an officer stepping on my braids and pulling my hair out with his big boots. They were striking matches, looking for Ma and Pa, but by the time Lousina could get the bitch lighted, they were gone." said Edith.

One other time it was reported the law men had left town. Adelaide was home with her family and they were all asleep. The "Feds" cams in the house, pulled Adelaide out of bed and made her sign a paper that she was "Jim" Paxton's wife. Many years later, the informer, with tears in his eyes, told Bessie, a daughter, that he had been a mean man to her father and was the one who had told the Marshall when Adelaide was home. James gave himself up and on the testimony of his two wives, was found guilty. The verdict was adultery. "I waited with other of the Brethren like sheep to be branded and sent to the pen." He said, "I confessed my guilt though innocent, then my guilt became a crime." He wrote and published a book of poems, wrote lyrics and music. Many were stolen. He also kept a day - by - day diary and life history. All these are in the L.D.S. Church Historians Archives.

Before his release from the penitentiary, he was forced to sign an oath that he would never live with Adelaide again. He never broke that oath, but he never deserted his family, Adelaide or his responsibility as a father.

In 1896, James was foreman of the Sheep Rock Mines owned by the Bambergers. They needed a cook, so Adelaide ran the boarding house. A couple of skunks had a fight under the boarding house one day and made quite an unpleasant odor. Torches were lighted and holes cut in the floor to drive out the unwelcome critters. It was many weeks before they could clean away the odor and much of the food had to be thrown away.

Adelaide experienced deep sorrow and grieved over the death of her third child and namesake, who died of spinal meningitis and paralysis, June 18, 1895. The child had been blind for about a year before she died, which caused much concern to Adelaide. In a dream, her daughter came to her and she could see. This was a great consolation to her. She wrote this poem.

While Adelaide's husband was on one of his prospecting jaunts looking for minerals, he was impressed with a beautiful and picturesque spot up Corn Creek Canyon about six miles east of Kanosh. In a spiritual manifestation, it was made known to him that same day this place would be a national park. He acquired the land under the "Squatters Rights law." Sometime later he was prompted to file claim under the "Homestead Act" in 1900, and none too soon because there were those who tried to jump his claim, even going so far as to file government papers.

The Homestead Act required that someone live on the land, so James and his sons built a one room log cabin on it. Because of the Edmonds Bill and the oath her husband was forced to take that he would not live with her again, it is reasonable to suppose that Adelaide was the logical wife to live in this isolated cabin in Corn Creek Canyon, so called because the Indians planted corn along the banks of the creek. It was here Adelaide lived with her four children from early spring until the snow came. James, her husband lived in town with his first wife and family. Occasionally, he came, bringing with him one or two of the children of his first wife. He took care of Adelaide's needs and enjoyed the quiet ethereal atmospheres which was in tune with him, for he was a spiritual man with divine promptings and a lover of nature.

The location of this beautiful canyon, which was to be called the "Paxton Ranch," was between the first and second left hand forks and a few rods from "Chidister's fireplace." This was a natural cave with a hole at the top and was used as a fireplace and shelter. It was named after a little old English Pioneer who lived here and made rawhide bottomed chairs. If people couldn't remember the name Chidister, they would say "Where the lion ate the wild cat." Harvy Watts and Will Cummings were lion hunters and witnessed the scene early one morning after a snow storm.

Northward was Cemetery Hill, where the Indians buried their dead. The hills were of red and black shale rock and rocky ledges that protected the eagles nest. Near here was "Duckie Springs" named after "Duck Hopkins," who found the springs. The Indian burial ground is said to have been on this mountain of shale rock. Here, the Indians placed their dead and all their possessions and started a rock slide above to cover them. Heavy oak bushes and trees lined the bottom of the mountains and ravines, a hiding place for small animals, poison snakes and spiders. Scattered among the sage brush and cedar trees, were squaw berries and many different kinds of herbs used by the Indians for medicine.

South East, stretching for hundreds of miles, as far as the eye could see, were hills and mountains. Beautiful, enchanting wild country, rich in foliage, aspin, pine, cedar, oak trees and sage. It was ideal cattle country, where melting snow and streams from springs found their way down the ravines and canyons to Corn Creek. One ravine was called "Hell Hole" because it was said they could not see the bottom. Another came from the George Day Ranch. Each stream entered and swelled the creek as it made its way, churning and twisting and turning under and around boulders, large and small and tree trucks and grassy banks lined with wild roses, choke-cherries, haws, sarvice and elder berries. Sweet tender watercress hugged the banks at the waters edge, All in season, all God's handiwork.

Deer trails winding down the mountain side was evidence that herds of deer came to enjoy the cool, clear water and grassy banks of Corn Creek. In such a wide range of country not inhabited by man, wild animals such as cougars, wild cats, lions, bears and coyotes roamed.

This was the country where Adelaide lived alone with her four children, in a log cabin hardly large enough. It was surrounded by centuries old box elder trees. The huge knotted and twisted trucks and limbs, scarred from winds and storm, gave ample shade and shelter. Wild flowers, red. blue, white, yellow and purple, among the wild grass, added to the beauty of the surroundings. The songs of the many birds broke the quietness of the area. At night the strange unaccustomed sounds sometimes caused apprehension. Adelaide relied entirely upon the Lord for protection and comfort in her lonely hours.

Adelaide's cabin home was above the spring where the amphitheater now is. Thick clay mud was plastered between the logs to keep them weather tight. The roof was made of grass and boughs covered with mud and dirt. One small window and door gave needed daylight. The floor was made of rough boards. Two bunk beds, held up by posts driven into the ground with rawhide and ropes laced criss-cross from post to post, held up the deer hair and feather or straw ticks and quilts. Once in a while the lacing gave way and the occupants landed on the floor. One small table, a three-legged stool, a small stove and log chairs and cupboard hardly fit in the room. Adelaide made curtains for the window and cupboard out of the girls red "freezes" (a red flannel petticoat).

In the spring and fall when the rains came, the children were kept busy watching for drips. They ran with pans to catch the muddy water that came through the roof. Sometimes the rain was so bad they crawled under the table or took refuge under the heavy foliage of a tree out of doors.

When the rain stopped, and the sun came out, the bedding was taken outside to dry on the fence or tree limbs. There were many floods in this canyon, sometimes washing out the road, leaving clay, mud and boulders that made travel impossible. Food supplies were sometimes delayed until James and the boys could clear off the road enough so the old gray team, Rod and Dan could pull the white top buckboard over the mud and rocky road.

Partly shading the cabin was a large tree called the "rattlesnake tree." The children seldom missed a chance to hit the tree on the way to the "spring house," just to hear the hissing sounds that came from within. However, they were taught to always be on the alert for rattlesnakes because there were many, and it was not unusual to see one in the cabin. On one occasion, the family was planting a garden by the creek. While James and the boys were planting stinkweeds for the bees, Adelaide and her daughters went to the cabin to prepare dinner. They were startled to see two big rattlers fighting in the window. They ran for their father, but by the time he and the boys arrived, the snakes were gone. Another time, noticing a rattler above the bed where the children had been sleeping, Adelaide quietly warned them not to move. They hardly dared to breathe until the intruder crawled down the logs and out the door. At still another time, she was ill and alone, her family having gone to town. She noticed, just above her head, a snake stretched out along the log. Not daring to move, she lay still until the rattler, having had a nice nap, leisurely crawled down the wall and out. Whenever they killed a snake, they threw it in the snake pit, a deep hole dug for this purpose.

The "springhouse" was a shelter of logs and boards over a spring, above the cabin. The spring supplied the drinking water and kept the pans of milk cool after a milking The Indians got water from the springs to drink. Each morning Adelaide would skim the cream off the milk that had risen during the night. With the help of the children, when enough cream was saved, they would churn the butter from it in a barrel type churn made of red cedar. The butter was stored in jars of brine water for a few days in the "springhouse," then molded into butter. She had two butter molds, one with the pattern of a rose, the other, a shock of wheat. The butter sold for two pounds for 15. Buttermilk was one quart for 5. Sometimes it was exchanged for flour, print materials, tea, cider, and other commodities. She traded milk and butter to the Indians for dried squash, venison, deer hair, pine nuts and buckskin. The children wore a lump of asafetida tied to buckskin around their neck to keep them well, and their shoelaces were made of buckskin.

For several mornings straight, the family was mystified to find no cream on the milk. Early one morning one of the girls went to the "spring house" and caught the thief in the act. She ran to the cabin with the glad news and all the family rushed to witness the thief curled around the pan. A big blowsnake was enjoying a breakfast of rich yellow cream. It was his last. God protected this mother and her children. None of them were harmed in any way.

Under a ledge, north east of the cabin, was a natural corral of trees and shrubs, with enough branches between to held poles for bars, which gave service for milking cows. The cows were run up one ravine and the calves another. It was the job of the children to see that the calves were kept away from their mothers. When they heard the cowbells, they knew the cows were homeward bound to be milked, so the children had to get busy to keep them separated until after the milking, which was not an easy task. During the milking, they took turns shooing away the flies with a willow switch, so the cow wouldn't kick the bucket over or switch her tail in Adelaide's face or whoever was milking.

There was always things to do Snakes, skunks, poison spiders, tarantulas, were always numerous to kill, They hunted squirrels and bird nests, gathered wild flowers and berries. One day they found a morning dove nest with two eggs in it, a rare thing. Walter and George climbed up the "leaning tree" and caught a stripped kitty, which caused much concern and a lot of scrubbing and burning of clothes. The nose of the dog was often full of porcupine quills, which he was always glad to have pulled out. The children learned much about nature and the different kinds of rocks from their father. They discovered an eagle's nest in the cliffs and found bones of sheep near by. Fearing the eagle might carry them away in its big claws, they ran for the cabin whenever they heard or saw it flying overhead.

An old dishpan tied with a rope served as a wagon. In this, they dragged over the ground wood, grape root, mint, kinikenick, stingnettle, bitter brush, desert brush (Brigham tea) and different kinds of wild berries. Arthur and Mable Charlesworth gathered cow cabbage leaves to make a Poultice for toothache. It was also good for nephritis. For a tonic, there was always the bitter cup; a certain kind of wood cup which was filled with water and let stand for hours. When it was ready to drink, it would be terribly bitter. A few maple trees supplied the family with maple syrup.

In the still darkness of the night, with her little ones tucked in bed, they would sometimes listen to the strange sounds outside. The cry of a panther, wild cats fighting near the cabin, the howl of a coyote, the cry of a cougar, and hoot owls in the trees. They all seemed so near at night. The children would say, "Ma, do you hear that? Can they get in the house?" Adelaide would answer, "Have you said your prayers and asked the Lord to protect you from harm?" Sometimes a shaky "Yes." "Then turn over and go to sleep and let him do it!" said Adelaide. They turn over, and said an extra prayer in case the Lord had not heard the first one.

Adelaide usually found things to do, but she had many lonely days and nights, especially when the children ware in town going to school or visiting. Sometimes she would be alone for several days. She was always happy for visitors and missed her friends and activities in town A song she often sang as she went about the house or sitting in her rocking chair -- thinking of England was, "Do They Think Of Me At Home."

"Do they think of me at home. Do they ever think of me? I, who shared their every grief. I, who mingled in their glee? Have their hearts grown cold and strange to the one now doomed to roam? I would give the world to know, do they think of me at home? (Found in book melodies of days gone by)

Adelaide was alone when she came near death. She lay in bed, helpless -- and weak from loss of blood. Not daring to move, she prayed for help. Help came when two cattle rustlers stopped in to see her. Quite often they stopped by to check on her and the children, and a cup of hot tea in the early morning briskness, which Adelaide made for them, was warming as well as her hospitality. She enjoyed their visits and fixing breakfast for them, but their activities were never discussed. The judgment is in the hands of the Lord, was her oft quoted statement throughout her life.

When they saw her weakened condition, they said, "Adelaide, you are not staying here any longer." And against her protests of them risking their lives to save hers, the one went to town for her husband, while the other one made a fire and some tea and did other necessary chores to make her comfortable. When her husband came, they carried her to a bed made for her in the buckboard, and James took her to town for medical care.

When the Government Forest Act commenced a survey, this canyon, including Adelaide's cabin, became part of the forest reserve. The government took over the land and paid her husband $50 for the cabin and fence. For a time, the cabin was used for a ranger station.

In 1927, towns people began going to the mountains, holding family picnics and church outings in the canyon. Automobiles made transportation faster and more and more people began to enjoy the beauty and serenity. Doctors recommended the canyon for some of their patients.

In 1928, at a May Day program, the Kanosh L.D.S. Church Sunday School officers, Obenadi Abraham, Andy Avery, Harvy Cummings, Bishoprick Preal George, James Charlesworth and Thomas Whatcott decided to meet with Ranger James Jensen to get permission to make this a more desirable place to hold their outings. The meeting was arranged by Ranger Jensen and through suggestions and efforts of the family, relatives and Kanosh people, the whole county was notified.

The name decided on was "Adelaide Park" because she was the only white woman to live there and pioneer the place. When asked if she minded if they named it Adelaide, she said, "No, I don't mind, but that wouldn't be a good name would it?"

On May 24, 1935, a large gathering of Millard County citizens, families and relatives of Adelaide Tippett Paxton, met in celebration at this choice spot in Corn Creek Canyon. Adelaide learned to love this place but did not live to celebrate this great occasion. Under the direction of the National Forest Department, Parker Robinson of Salt Lake City, dedicated "Adelaide Park." The celebration was under the direction of Ranger Jensen, and many others who helped the Paxton family fulfill their father's prophecy made so many years previous, that this homestead would some day be a National Park.

The Paxton family and friends immediately went to work to further beautify the park. Jess LeFevre, a son - in - law and his wife Edith were appointed caretakers. With the help of Boy Scouts, they cut the wild grass and weeds, emptied garbage cans and Planted a few trees and shrubs. Bessie brought wild blueberry plants from Minnesota to add to the other wild berries. They did just fine until the deer discovered and ate them. Mary Ann contributed six quarts of bullberry seeds. They were planted by Edith LeFevre and Adelaid Crepo. Mrs. D. S. Dorrity planted a special tree.

Eager to have a beautiful park, Edith planted 24 choice rose bushes, peach trees, black walnut trees, etc. But strange as it seems, none of these remained or grew, only several trees of the pine variety. Whatever the reason, the park remains in its natural beauty except for the grass planted by the bishopric. Even it has become wild. Alonzo George and Abenadi Abraham, Abraham cut the grass for a time. Other caretakers were Arthur Paxton (a son), Harold Ahlstrom, Alma George and W.E. Allen.

During the Roosevelt Administration, Ranger Jensen, secured the service of-the C.C.C. Boys in developing Adelaide Park. They built a bowery, amphitheater, rest rooms, swings, water fountain, fireplace, bonfire nit, bridge, picnic tables and benches. They blew up the rattlesnake tree with dynamite and saw a mass of dead and hissing, squirming snakes among the roots of the tree. They even planted trout in the creek.

Adelaide Park became a popular place for camping and reunions. It is also enjoyed by fishermen, deer hunters, family gatherings, and church outings. People come in campers and tents. Some stay for weeks at a time. The Paxton families have their reunions there even though they are scattered in many towns and states.